Fetch Data from SQL Query results to Custom Component to build bunch of bar charts

I have this custom component which works like charm the data is hard coded, I want to fetch the data from an SQL query results

The sql query has the columns

segment_name ( x axis ) , movie_count ( y-axis), standard _count (y-axis)

I am not able to figure how to feed the data to the iframe code section, i consider myself as beginner to retool, Can anyone clarify this? or redirect me to helpful docs?i checked the official documentation the instructions are not clear about model.

<script src="https://cdn.plot.ly/plotly-latest.min.js"></script>

  .row {
    display: flex;
    flex-wrap: wrap;

  .col {
    flex: 50%;

  .chart-container {
    margin-bottom: 20px;

<div class="row">
  <div class="col" style="width: 50%;">
    <div id="chart1" class="chart-container"></div>
  <div class="col" style="width: 50%;">
    <div id="chart2" class="chart-container"></div>
<div class="row">
  <div class="col" style="width: 50%;">
    <div id="chart3" class="chart-container"></div>
  <div class="col" style="width: 50%;">
    <div id="chart4" class="chart-container"></div>

  var chartData = [
      name: "% of Universe",
      x: ["Interest: Travel", "Interest: Sports", "M18-49 in HH", "F18-49 in HH", "Interest: Apparel |Fashion", "M35-64 in HH", "HH Income: $50k-$100k", "Education: 1-3 Years College", "Homeowner", "F35-64 in HH", "Child in HH: Yes ", "HH Income: $250k+", "Interest: Fitness", "Interest: Food|Wine|Cooking", "Married", "Any Credit Card", "In Market: Any Car", "A65+ in HH", "Pet Owner or Lover", "HH Income: $100k+"],
      y: ["25.0", "56.0", "33.0", "30.0", "13.0", "36.0", "22.0", "17.0", "79.0", "36.0", "21.0", "6.0", "54.0", "10.0", "72.0", "62.0", "58.0", "40.0", "54.0", "30.0"],
      type: 'bar',
      marker: { color: '#033663', size: 20 } // Increase the size value to adjust the width of the bars
      name: "% of Target Segment",
      x: ["Interest: Travel", "Interest: Sports", "M18-49 in HH", "F18-49 in HH", "Interest: Apparel |Fashion", "M35-64 in HH", "HH Income: $50k-$100k", "Education: 1-3 Years College", "Homeowner", "F35-64 in HH", "Child in HH: Yes ", "HH Income: $250k+", "Interest: Fitness", "Interest: Food|Wine|Cooking", "Married", "Any Credit Card", "In Market: Any Car", "A65+ in HH", "Pet Owner or Lover", "HH Income: $100k+"],
      y: ["35.0", "60.0", "47.0", "43.0", "17.0", "52.0", "32.0", "19.0", "87.0", "51.0", "23.0", "8.0", "75.0", "14.0", "77.0", "66.0", "80.0", "56.0", "74.0", "43.0"],
      type: 'bar',
      marker: { color: '#247BC7', size: 20 } // Increase the size value to adjust the width of the bars

  var layout = {
    barmode: 'group',
    xaxis: {
      title: 'Segment',
      tickangle: -45,
      automargin: true
    yaxis: {
      title: 'Percentage of HHs'
    legend: {
      orientation: 'h',
      y: 1.2, // Adjust the y value to control the position of the legend
      xanchor: 'center',
      x: 0.5

  var subplotData1 = [
      x: chartData[0].x.slice(0, 5),
      y: chartData[0].y.slice(0, 5),
      name: chartData[0].name,
      type: 'bar',
      marker: { color: '#033663', size: 20 } // Increase the size value to adjust the width of the bars
      x: chartData[1].x.slice(0, 5),
      y: chartData[1].y.slice(0, 5),
      name: chartData[1].name,
      type: 'bar',
      marker: { color: '#247BC7', size: 20 } // Increase the size value to adjust the width of the bars

  var subplotData2 = [
      x: chartData[0].x.slice(5, 10),
      y: chartData[0].y.slice(5, 10),
      name: chartData[0].name,
      type: 'bar',
      marker: { color: '#033663', size: 20 } // Increase the size value to adjust the width of the bars
      x: chartData[1].x.slice(5, 10),
      y: chartData[1].y.slice(5, 10),
      name: chartData[1].name,
      type: 'bar',
      marker: { color: '#247BC7', size: 20 } // Increase the size value to adjust the width of the bars

  var subplotData3 = [
      x: chartData[0].x.slice(10, 15),
      y: chartData[0].y.slice(10, 15),
      name: chartData[0].name,
      type: 'bar',
      marker: { color: '#033663', size: 20 } // Increase the size value to adjust the width of the bars
      x: chartData[1].x.slice(10, 15),
      y: chartData[1].y.slice(10, 15),
      name: chartData[1].name,
      type: 'bar',
      marker: { color: '#247BC7', size: 20 } // Increase the size value to adjust the width of the bars

  var subplotData4 = [
      x: chartData[0].x.slice(15, 20),
      y: chartData[0].y.slice(15, 20),
      name: chartData[0].name,
      type: 'bar',
      marker: { color: '#033663', size: 20 } // Increase the size value to adjust the width of the bars
      x: chartData[1].x.slice(15, 20),
      y: chartData[1].y.slice(15, 20),
      name: chartData[1].name,
      type: 'bar',
      marker: { color: '#247BC7', size: 20 } // Increase the size value to adjust the width of the bars

  Plotly.newPlot('chart1', subplotData1, layout);
  Plotly.newPlot('chart2', subplot
  Plotly.newPlot('chart3', subplotData3, layout);
  Plotly.newPlot('chart4', subplotData4, layout);

Hi @Hakesh_Kolukonu

Out of curiosity, why are you using a custom component instead of the Chart/Plotly Retool internal component?

To answer your question, the first step is to wrap your code into this function:

window.Retool.subscribe((model) => {
    // your code


then, the data source in Plotly.newPlot statement like subplotData1 should be changed with model.subplotData1

Finally in the custom component model panel you should pass the data source such as:

  subplotData1: [...],
  subplotData2: [...]

Now, the above data source should be computed by Retool properly according to some database operations.

Hope this basic hints help you on figuring out how to work with custom component in Retool.


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