Feature request: PDF Exporter to support HTML

I would like to request that the PDF Exporter query support HTML in addition to Markdown. Markdown is okay for some things but obviously much more limited than HTML.

Thank you!



Good idea @pdamato! Getting this down in our backlog.


I would like HTML coding also.


Same here!

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Same here! That would be a great feature, since the Markdown creates a huge font in the PDF and making a font smaller is not event possible.

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really needed :slight_smile: thank you

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yeees please

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I am just following up to see if this has been added to the Roadmap yet. I have a real need to be able to better structure a PDF file out of Retool but don't have interest in using an external API as has been described in previous postings.
+1 vote for this feature!!!

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Hi there! This is something we want to support, but it's not on our immediate roadmap. I will let our team know that a couple users have checked in about this. I would recommend looking into the external API option for the time being! There's some related ideas here: https://www.boldtech.dev/posts/creating-pdfs-in-retool

I'm posting to express almost dire interest in this feature being worked on. Going the alternative api route is expensive, and complicated. I like everything in Retool


There are quite a few options now without using API external services, etc. Just require some JS libraries and html knowledge.

Here is one im using to generate Invoices directly out of retool. It works great!

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So far this is the most stable solution by @bradlymathews Handlebars to PDF Component
But as he mentioned it has a drawback with cors for cloud images, I saw that even if I have allowed origin * it will not work and give me cors.
So far my understanding this is happening as the actual request's origin is changing. So it would be best if retool team can help us to solve this issue / provide some guidelines upon this solution and make it workable.

FYI @Kabirdas , @Tess , @victoria Thanks

Hi @mpmohi Thanks for reaching out! Can you use the base64 option that Bradly mentions? If you create a RestQuery with the image url, it will return the base64 which you can reference to create the data url

Any update on this feature? Would be a great to be able to export rich media directly to PDF without having to write more custom code.

Hi @ldnuser Unfortunately, our team hasn't been able to prioritize this yet, so I don't have a timeline at the moment :disappointed: