Failed to read the 'sessionStorage' property from 'Window': Access is denied for this document

I have a client facing form embedded on a wordpress page via an iframe (the public link). Trying to build out the concept currently.

I have a Blur Event Handler that triggers a MySQL query. Upon clicking out of the field (blur), I receive the error: Failed to read the 'sessionStorage' property from 'Window': Access is denied for this document.

Any ideas on how to address this?

Disregard. Incognito Google Chrome was the source of my issue.

Hi @slittle

I am also facing the same issue when I open my embedded app in Incognito Google Chrome.

Could you share the ways to resolve the issue.

Hey @Muneera_Shaik! It looks like Retool uses session storage in a variety of different places. Would you mind sharing exactly when you're seeing the message (is it also running a MySQL query as a blur handler)? Screenshots or a recording would be great to provide as much context as possible!

If you could also share exactly how you're embedding the app that might be helpful as well!