Extract JSON data to object from REDIS response

I am trying to extract a JSON document stored in REDIS.

My redis server responses as follows,

> json.get user_8f8d5553f95e4cd689af4634e5b2df76:match

when I preview the query I get something that is expected according to JSON.RESP | Redis

In the response preview I also see the results but I cannot access the data from other queries.

Preview screen:

Null data in other query / transformer:

Hi @ant0n!

Odd that your query displays data in preview mode but that you can't access it elsewhere :thinking: what does the data look like in the left panel of your app?

I fixed it by pulling the data from Redis and then having a javascript function that performs a JSON.parse() on the rawData. See screenshots.

It would be nice if that could happen directly from the redis query.

The raw redis data is as follow,

> get match_events:23
"[{\"eventTimeStamp\":12,\"eventIsRebound\":false,\"eventIsAssist\":false,\"eventIsFGM\":false,\"eventIs3PA\":true,\"eventIs3PM\":true,\"eventIsHighlight\":true,\"eventHighlightLength\":10,\"highlightText\":\"Amazing 3PT\",\"eventIsFGA\":false,\"eventPlayer\":\"pxBMqYpgNuXjuGXfmaMg0eOBz1f2\",\"highlightType\":\"3PT\"},{\"eventTimeStamp\":19,\"eventIsRebound\":false,\"eventIsAssist\":false,\"eventIsFGM\":false,\"eventIs3PA\":true,\"eventIs3PM\":true,\"eventIsHighlight\":true,\"eventHighlightLength\":12,\"highlightText\":\"It's raining 3PT\",\"eventIsFGA\":false,\"eventPlayer\":\"N6Bi98x0QHgqK3gYtGWuz86JzU52\",\"highlightType\":\"3PT\"}]"
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