Extend cache duration

Hello! I'm running a self-hosted setup of Retool and would like to set the cache duration for a query to 1 week, however it looks like the maximum duration is 86400 seconds (one day). Is there a way to extend this maximum for self-hosted setups?

Hi @edahlseng,

I don't believe so :thinking: but I can make a feature request! If you can share more about your use case, I'll relay that to the team as well

Thanks for the offer @Tess, but I think I'm all set – I joined the office hours last Thursday and received a recommendation to approach my problem differently than I was. (I wanted to use the cache to be able to share the results of an API call across multiple users who didn't have access to the API, but in office hours it was recommended that I look to store the results of the API in Retool DB instead!)

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