Export Retool Postgres Database?

I'm considering creating a Retool database for a project, but when I finish that, I will need to export the db to a standalone Postgres db that I can use elsewhere. Is this type of Export from Retool possible?

Retool Database quickstart

Hi @ebett

I'm not sure the Retool interface allows that.
You can use the connection string and use any pg tool to dump the database.

Hope this help

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Hello @ebett!

You can text table data from Retool DB as a CSV as outlined in our docs here :grin:

Those docs also has details on using a workflow to loop through your data for ETL and can be used to send your data to a third party.

As well as the docs also detailing the tools available to account admins via the PG connection string as mentioned by abusedmedia.

Hope one of those options best fits your needs, definitely test them out to see what would be easiest for you and best fit your needs!