Export data option donsent work in Mobile

The file not saved in the mobile

Hey @Jose_Rolando_Lafaurie ,

Can you check Downloads or Documents folder using android file explorer ?

Also can you check if permission has been granted in the app setting ?

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I cheked and no file, is in this versión 3.71.0 I have other Mobile with other version and works fine, the expected behavior is that it opens a box to choose the way to share the file

Good morning, I tried the previous version of retool on Android and it works fine, it pops up a window to choose the way to share the file, but in this latest version it doesn't work, it shows a sign that it was saved in the system but it doesn't, and has the necessary permissions


We changed it so that instead of popup, it would download to the device. Can you share Android version with me ?

And tested on Android 14 Samsung

If you analyze, the previous option is more practical, since you give it more margin of use and can be shared by the user directly from the app


I made a fix so that it will download the file to Download folder but also have alert asking if you want to share.

This should be out on Retool mobile appstore/playstore by end of next week.

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Thanks a lot wen it's published I tested