Error while login with google

Hello, Sometimes when a user is trying to login to the mobile app thru google it says that Retool doesn't respect the Google rules. (sorry the screenshot is in French) So our user arn't able to login, the only way is to open the app on a pc (with the "go to app" on the top right) and then scan the qr code that is shown on the right.

Any updates ?

Hi @titouan

Is this happening in a Retool Mobile App or or a Retool App on a mobile device?

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same issue here. login on app.

It happens on the retool mobile app when someone is trying to login with google

@titouan @jason3w,

Thanks for notifying us of this issue. In order to reproduce this bug, could I please get some additional information from you both?

  1. Device type and OS version (e.g Android 12; iOS 15)
  2. Retool Mobile App Version (found in the left sidebar > settings > about)

IOS 17.4.1

Retool Mobile v3.43.0

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By any chance, do you have this feature flag turned on? If so, then unfortunately, that will not work as Google prohibits using an embedded webview for login. You can toggle this flag off and it should work normally.


Yes thanks I think that was the issue with the google rules. I think now I have an other issue. When a user that hasn't setup the a2f try to connect, the user is being redirected to the login page. I think that there's a page that is supposed to show up to setup the a2f but it doesn't so the users are stuck. Thanks for your help

Hi @titouan,

Admins should be able to Reset 2FA for individual users. Follow the step from the linked docs and let me know if that unblocks your users. Thanks!

Yes but the issue happen when the user hasn't setup 2FA already.

Hey! I spoke with developers on our mobile team. We do not support setting up 2FA on the mobile, only verification. In order to set up 2FA, users usually use the phone’s camera. If they are already using the phone for the setup, they cannot capture the QR code. So the user needs to set it up on the desktop.

It could be a great thing to ba able to setup on mobile for the only mobile users. Because we could have some sensitive information on the app.