Error when creating new Application From Template globRequire_templates_json

Getting the below error when trying to create an app from template in the latest stable version of self hosted 3.52.1

{"endpoint":{"path":"/api/pages/cloneTemplate","service":"backend","team":"@tryretool/building-ui-platform"},"error":{"level":"error","msg":"Internal server error: globRequire_templates_json is not defined","stack":"ReferenceError: globRequire_templates_json is not defined\n at Grf (/retool_backend/bundle/main.js:5844:25061)\n at Bn.cloneTemplate (/retool_backend/bundle/main.js:5885:17874)\n at /retool_backend/bundle/main.js:3204:211794\n at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)","type":"INTERNAL_ERROR"}

Hi @victory, is this happening when you click this button?

I'm seeing that error when attempting to create an app using the AI Chat template.

Hi @alex_pm, I was able to reproduce this issue on Self-hosted 3.52-stable. Are you on the same version?