I just joined office hours and ran this problem by @Tess and @Darren
I can't share detailed screenshots but here is the crux of the issue:
1.) I query data from a PostgreSQL database, which gives me an array of retailers and associated values.
2.) I then pass those values to a loop block with an attached multi-step function. Unfortunately, it appears the data isn't making it to the loop block.
We weren't able to find anything wrong. If I run each block inside the multi-step function independently, all steps run just fine. It's when I try to run the whole workflow, using the data from the initial query, that each of the iterations fails.
Initial query pulls array without issue:
Loop block with multi-step function is set up with {{values. }} placeholders
However, if I try to run the loop block I see this in the 'Data' feedback
@Tess was able to replicate the error on her end, using hard coded params, so we're thinking this might be a bug? It might be easiest to have her replicate, but I'm happy to answer additional questions as needed.
I spoke with our workflows engineers about this there was a bug that they fixed to resolve the function name showing as the function id (and the bug where you couldn't switch between different functions). A similar set up to yours is working for me now - could you test yours again? I noticed I had to delete my loop block from yesterday and re-create it
I'm not seeing any changes on my end. I'm still seeing the function id and can't see any functions as options in the Loop Runner dropdown. Running the function results in the same error(s).
I tried creating a new workflow just in case, but no luck.
Is it possible the fix hasn't rolled out to me yet?
Hmm it should be available, but you might need to enable the feature. If you go to Settings->Beta, is Enables multi-step functions in workflows checked ON?