I am suddenly getting an error message for an application I built a few months ago which didn't have any issues until last week. My application fails to render every time I use my search box to search for text and hide elements across a ListView:
Error: Minified React error #301 visit Minified React error #301 – React for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full...
Hi all! Welcome to the community, @cason, and welcome back, @haydengreer.
This particular error is generally indicative of a circular dependency in the app, which will be difficult to diagnose without a clearer understand of how it's constructed. In testing, for example, I'm unable to replicate this error when recreating the setup that you've described. Can either or both of you share a JSON export of your app with hard-coded query results?
Hi Darren!
Thank you for your reply. Sorry I am new to the platform how can I DM you my JSON export? I also tried to upload my json export to this response but I got "Sorry new members cannot upload attachments"
Ah that must be a restricted feature for newer forum accounts. I was able to get your app JSON via the report that you made on Retool University! I'll take a look and get back to you shortly with next steps.
Hey @cason! I don't yet know the exact cause of the issue, but we're able to consistently reproduce the behavior and are hitting a clear error boundary. We'll investigate and prioritize a fix in the coming weeks and provide an update here as soon as we can.