Error: Minified React error #301

I am suddenly getting an error message for an application I built a few months ago which didn't have any issues until last week. My application fails to render every time I use my search box to search for text and hide elements across a ListView:

Error: Minified React error #301 visit Minified React error #301 – React for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full...

There's a reload button but this doesn't help either. This started happening about a week ago and has not resolved itself.

From the react page: Minified React error #301 – React

Too many re-renders. React limits the number of renders to prevent an infinite loop.

Do you have any advice for how to resolve this?

Thank you,

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+1 on this error

Mine is occurring inside a textbox on a modal that displays a response message from a query

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Hi all! Welcome to the community, @cason, and welcome back, @haydengreer. :slightly_smiling_face:

This particular error is generally indicative of a circular dependency in the app, which will be difficult to diagnose without a clearer understand of how it's constructed. In testing, for example, I'm unable to replicate this error when recreating the setup that you've described. Can either or both of you share a JSON export of your app with hard-coded query results?

Feel free to share via DM, if necessary!