Error creating pdf with python-pdf


i'm generating a pdf in a workflow with python. therefor i'm using the installed python-pdf library
however, when i invoke the generate_pdf command i receive the following error:

{"data":null,"error":"RuntimeError: error running wkhtmltopdf, command: ['--cache-dir', '/tmp/pydf_cache', '-', '-']\nresponse: \"/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pydf/bin/wkhtmltopdf: error while loading shared libraries: []( cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory\" (line 129)"}

steps to reproduce:
create python code block in workflow

import pydf
import requests

res = requests.get("[](")
pdf = pydf.generate_pdf(res.text)

thanks for your help/ideally fixing!

Thanks for reporting the error! I investigated this, and it seems that this library uses a prebuild binary of wkhtmltopdf that is incompatible with our version of Linux. I'm going to add an alternative PDF library for Python that should resolve this issue.