Error: Connection via SSH is not supported

Hey there, trying to setup an SSH tunnel following the guide here: However, submitting the form gives me a 422 response with the following error:

Error: Connection via SSH is not supported

My /var/log/secure logs don't show any attempted SSH's, and I haven't seen anyone post about this error. I tried making a new database resource to see if it was just the old one, and tried a mysql instead of a postgres, but all are returning this error. Is this something that's no longer supported?

Hi @wbobeirne! I believe we're speaking over chat as well, but just in case this is helpful for other users, it looks like this error is popping up in this case when the Port value isn't filled in with 5432 and is only holding the slightly-grayed-out placeholder 5432.

Well don't I feel dumb. Thanks!