Environment Configuration Variables are now on Retool

We’ve expanded the power of environments in Retool.

Environment Configuration Variables (“config vars”) are environment-specific values that you can reference in resource configurations, apps, and queries.

Admins can define config vars, and builders can then reference these values using autocomplete in editors.

Admins can choose to make a variable “secret” - meaning its value will never be exposed in Retool. Secret config vars can only be used in resource configurations.

Check out our docs on config vars for more detail.


Hey @Iva_Milo :wave: I created a separate forum post for this, but just wanted to mention that I'm having trouble referencing my config variables in my app and queries with {{ retoolContext.configVars.NAME }}. Querying from resources works as expected, though. I get an empty response for {{ retoolContext.configVars}} :thinking:

Replied there!

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