Enter event to calendar using a form

I have been trying to enter data into the calendar component but I'm looking for an easy way for my team to enter data swifty. I would like to do this using a form. or get the data from a table in our database . how would you advice me to go through with it?

Hi there,

Thanks for reaching out to us!

I believe the best place to start is having the form match what the calendar is expecting.

Create a variable and set it to an empty array, or an array of dates from your database.

Then create a query like so!
let dates = variable1.value


allDay: false,

color: colorInput1.value,

end: dateTime2.value,

eventId: "Event" + Number(calendar1.data.length) + 1,

groupId: "",

start: dateTime1.value,

title: textInput1.value



Let this query be the Submit Event Handler for your form, as well as an upsert query for your database. The latter part is important for the dates to persist!

There is a similar thread with this setup here: How to create event by selecting a date on the calendar?

Let me know if this setup works for you!

apologies for the above deletion and thanks for your help, the query runs but no information is displayed on the calendar, you can see I have values in the variable1.values too.Im I missing something ?

Hi @jakinda1,

You'll want to add item.keyName for each property that you want to pass into the calendar: