Editor stuck in infinite(?) loop

I'm not sure what I did, but now the editor UI is frozen when I try to edit my app, or it crashes with this error message below. It was working less than an hour ago, and I'm not sure what's changed.

How can I break the loop or get back to a previous version of the app?

Something went wrong.
Our team has been notified. We're working to fix this ASAP. Monitor our service health page at status.retool.com.
Error: Minified React error #185; visit https://reactjs.org/docs/error-decoder.html?invariant=185 for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.
    at Eu (https://retool-edge.com/app.e3b4c0277e9c8eec16aa.js:2:2501294)
    at Pa (https://retool-edge.com/app.e3b4c0277e9c8eec16aa.js:2:2472184)
    at https://retool-edge.com/DebugTools/EditingStatusBar.e3b4c0277e9c8eec16aa.js:1:221162
    at Gu (https://retool-edge.com/app.e3b4c0277e9c8eec16aa.js:2:2514149)
    at t.unstable_runWithPriority (https://retool-edge.com/app.e3b4c0277e9c8eec16aa.js:2:2664632)
    at Zo (https://retool-edge.com/app.e3b4c0277e9c8eec16aa.js:2:2452560)
    at Uu (https://retool-edge.com/app.e3b4c0277e9c8eec16aa.js:2:2513594)
    at Ou (https://retool-edge.com/app.e3b4c0277e9c8eec16aa.js:2:2504053)
    at https://retool-edge.com/app.e3b4c0277e9c8eec16aa.js:2:2452783
    at t.unstable_runWithPriority (https://retool-edge.com/app.e3b4c0277e9c8eec16aa.js:2:2664632)
    at Zo (https://retool-edge.com/app.e3b4c0277e9c8eec16aa.js:2:2452560)
    at Ko (https://retool-edge.com/app.e3b4c0277e9c8eec16aa.js:2:2452728)
    at Qo (https://retool-edge.com/app.e3b4c0277e9c8eec16aa.js:2:2452663)
    at Fe (https://retool-edge.com/app.e3b4c0277e9c8eec16aa.js:2:2527859)
    at https://retool-edge.com/app.e3b4c0277e9c8eec16aa.js:2:2444048
    at kr (https://retool-edge.com/app.e3b4c0277e9c8eec16aa.js:2:2444078)
    at en (https://retool-edge.com/app.e3b4c0277e9c8eec16aa.js:2:2432163)
    at Xt (https://retool-edge.com/app.e3b4c0277e9c8eec16aa.js:2:2431389)

Hey @threecee! Happy to help with this.

Do you see this error immediately on page load, or after some time? Are you able to access the Releases and History section of your app? If so, do you see any recent changes that may have introduced something like an infinite loop?

If not, maybe we can use the _historyOffset parameter at the end of your URL, e.g. ?_historyOffset=5.This will allow you to "travel back in time" 5 steps. You can increase the number to go further back in time if you still don't see any app data. The idea here is to go back to the most recent working version so you don't have to redo as much work (going back 1000 steps would likely show data, but it could be many, many changes behind).

***WARNING!*** If you make any changes to the canvas when traveling back in time, that past version will become your present version and it messes with the history, so be careful not to touch anything! Once you find a version that isn't crashing and you'd like to make that your present version, then you can make an edit to the canvas (move a component, add a component, etc) to persist that view.