Easiest way to reproduce problems or bugs in shareable way?

If I'm writing React code and have a problem I might go to stackoverflow and ask about it. And usually people there will tell me,
go reproduce it in codesandbox or a github repo in the simplest way possible. Get rid of your database calls and your special login, and all that added complexity.
The difficult thing about asking and answering retool questions is the inability to do this. Or maybe there are options I'm missing. If people asking questions could be urged to recreate their problem in a simple way in a retool that others could get to, two things would happen.

  1. Half the time they would probably figure it out themselves.
  2. In the other half, I would find it much easier to solve peoples' problems.

It could be done in a way that the shared retool is not editable. But maybe I can export it so that I can recreate it and edit.

Does this exist? I enjoy answering peoples' questions here, but looking through a bunch of screenshots is hard!

Hi @julius_jet :wave:

So happy to hear your enthusiasm for contributing to the community. The best way that exists to share an app with a bug is to ask users for an app export. If users download their export from the download icon in the dugbug section they can export their app with hardcoded query results which makes using their app easier.

I didn't know the export would have hardcoded results for queries. That's very helpful.

But it seems like most people aren't willing to do it right? I see when making a new topic that the template urges people to. But hardly anyone does, right?

Only the export from the debug section has hard-coded query results, but it's so helpful. Most people will give you an export if you ask, but don't always volunteer them. It also helps to tell them they can DM you if they don't want to share their app publically.

What's the debug section? I looked at the docs for import export and didn't see any mention of it.


Wow, this is also news for me! I'll give it a try these days.

Thanks for sharing @AbbeyHernandez

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You can find the debug section in the bottom right hand corner of the IDE :slight_smile: .

Ohhhhhhhhhh. I didn't realize the debug section has a separate export. That just seemed like a typo. Great to know. Thanks

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Yeah, absolutely! It's a little hidden.