Dynamic Step List Summary Text with Custom CSS

So I came up with a solution to a problem, and it may not be pretty, but it works!

So here is my problem:
I have this step component in the sidebar, and it looks nice

That sure is a lot of wasted vertical space :frowning:
Sadly, there is no GUI option for a caption, or second line

So, how do we solve this? I really would like to show something under each step, with something that is a summary of each step....

The Solution

It consists of one transformer (StepListCSS) that generates the CSS and one variable (StepListCSS_Data) that will store a mapping of the step keys to the value we want to show under each step.

The Variable

The initial value is simply the values as keys from the steps

{{ _.zipObject(app_steps.values, Array(app_steps.values.length).fill("")) }}

The Transformer

const steps = {{ app_steps.data }};
const currentStep = {{ app_steps.selectedIndex }};
const stepData = {{ StepListCSS_Data.value }};

return steps.map((step, i) => {
  const content = stepData[step.value];
  return `
  ._retool-app_steps ol > li:nth-child(${i+1}) > div > div:last-child:after {
    /*border: 1px solid yellow;*/
    display: ${currentStep > i ? "block" : "none"};
    padding-left: 5px;
    font-size: larger;
    color: #870bc8;
    content: "${content}"

Here we compose some blocks of CSS, that target the step containers' list items. For each index, we add some :after that has content. The value of content is referenced from the variable we setup earlier.

Finally, add the transformer to your Custom CSS input for the app's settings.


In a query, or from a button, use the setIn method on the variable we defined erlier. For example, this is in a query that "saves" my "step 1"

const key = app_steps.data[0].value;
const formatted = numbro(rawValue).formatCurrency();
StepListCSS_Data.setIn([key], formatted);


A beautiful summary of the step

Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk


Ooh I like this! Thanks for sharing, @khill-fbmc! :fire:

1 Like

This is a nice workaround! I like the visual flow of it.

I really love how it turned out :slight_smile:

And I actually came up with a better solution to display the step values. Instead of a variable saving each step by key, I now have a second transformer that emits an array with the corresponding values at the proper indexes. This eliminates the need for matching keys and using setIn completely! :partying_face:


const percent = (v) =>
  numbro(v * 100)
    .format({ mantissa: 1 })
    .concat(" %");
const dollars = (v) =>
    spaceSeparated: true,
    mantissa: 2,
const dollarsPerHour = (v) => `${dollars(v)} / HR`;

return [
  dollarsPerHour({{ TTC_LOAD_PER_HOUR.value }}),
  percent({{ CLIENT_REVENUE_PERCENT.value }}),
  dollarsPerHour({{ PER_HOUR_RESOURCE_COST_ALLOC.value }}),
  dollarsPerHour({{ USE_CASE_COST_ALLOC.value }}),
  dollarsPerHour({{ FULLY_BURDENED_AGENT_COST.value }}),
  dollarsPerHour({{ BILL_RATE.value }}),
  "per_position_revenue", // TODO


const steps = {{ app_steps.data }};
const currentStep = {{ app_steps.selectedIndex }};
const stepData = {{ StepListCSS_Content.value }};

return steps.map((_, i) => `
  ._retool-app_steps ol > li:nth-child(${i+1}) > div > div:last-child:after {
    display: ${currentStep > i ? "block" : "none"};
    padding-left: 5px;
    font-size: larger;
    color: #870bc8;
    content: "${stepData[i]}"

very nice!