Dynamic Currency Type

I have a database table with a column for 'website' and a column for the corresponding 'currency', and a Retool query for that data called domainCurrencies.

In my application I have a table (table4) that displays pricing data from those same websites. The 'price' field is formatted as a currency, and I would like the 'currency code' field to be dynamic, based on the website in that row of the table.



I'm struggling with the best way to do this. I've tried a few approaches involving currentRow but have run into various errors and thought I'd ask this group as I'm sure this is something that's been done before.

Hi @pod2,

Do you have the currency code for the website in your data? If you do and it's essentially just a hidden column, you could just put something like this in the "Currency code" box.
{{ currentSourceRow.currencyCode }}

This assumes your data is coming back from a column called currencyCode.

The currency code was not in my data as a column, so I went ahead and changed the original query to append/join the code from another table, then followed your advice.

Thank you for the help!

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