Dynamic Column Settings

I populate a table from an sql query that returns different columns depending on previous choices.
However in any case I want to be able to choose which columns should be visible.
So I used a multiselect component which fills with the columnnames of the table.
Now I don't know how to edit the "Dynamic Column Setting" in the table to show only the selected from the multiselect columns.
Any help would be much appreciated

I think it's covered here in this youtube video: https://youtu.be/tw2u5VhG-zI

Lmk if you are still having trouble w it :slight_smile:


It's clear great thanks

Is this no longer possible? I'm not seeing anywhere to access Dynamic Column Settings. Ultimately, I'm looking to do what's covered in this video

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Hello please i ask the same question

I can set my columns dynamically with the old table component , not with the new
(I can display the chosen id/label, but no value in the column)

I have watched the youtube video and followed the instructions but i don't have exactly the same table menu, and no result...

I have posted all the screenshots of what i have tried with the old and new table here :point_down:

Same here. I have to use the legacy table which is not ideal. A fix would be great!

I've found this post to be helpful for the new table! :sunglasses:

There are still some features to build out with dynamic column settings in the new table such as setting the mapped value