Does Retool support touch screen monitors for interactive dashboards?

Hi everyone,

I hope this messages finds you well! I'm exploring the idea of using touch screen monitors to enhance the interactivity of our Retool dashboards. I believe this could significantly improve user engagement and streamline operations for our team.

Does Retool support touch screen monitors for interactive dashboards? If so, I'd love to hear about any specific configurations or best practices to ensure everything runs smoothly.

If anyone has experience or insights on using Retool with touch screen monitors, please share your thoughts and any resources or documentation that might be helpful.

Thanks in advance for your assistance!

Hey! Welcome to the forums. Retool does support touch screen devices, the same way any website supports touchscreen. That being said, it really does depend on your specific app. I have personally experienced some funky issues with a couple components (specifically I had issues with large select dropdown, which somewhat makes sense). Generally, if your app is made well and works well, it is going to work great, but if you have a hard to use app then those issues are going to be exacerbated on touchscreen devices.

Either way, using simple components retool can be great for touchscreen devices. Maybe try visiting your app on a tablet or mobile device to get an idea of the experience before committing?