Documentation needs to be proofread

The documentation LocalStorage doesn't seem to be very helpful, as other parts of your documentation. I am just wondering if you guys were planning on updating the documentation so that we have a bit more information, and more examples of how things are used, would be greatly appreciated

Hello @jake_mason!

I agree the docs on Local Storage are very 'light'.

The reason for this being that we do not recommend using local storage for the majority of cases. If anything happens to the browser such as a page refresh, wifi/internet connection timeout or the window closing and being re-opened will set the local storage back to empty.

Data stored in the local storage is vulnerable to cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. Also you are likely to experience significant slowing of website speed if you have a large amount of data stored in local storage.

For sensitive user data and important data that needs to be stored, we highly recommend storing it in a database via a query and fetching/altering the data from in a similar manner.

Here are some informational articles I found on the 'perils' of local storage, interesting food for thought!