Documentation for source control using Github access tokens

They are two way's for using source control with Github in retool.

  1. Using Github apps
  2. Using Github personal access tokens (Beta feature)

There's no detailed documentation for the 2nd process. Can some one provide a detailed documentation. I need to know what exact scopes I need to configure in Github personal access token.

Hello @kishore_kumar ,

You can prefer to this Retool documentation Configuring Source Control in Retool | Retool Docs , Test Source Control deployments | Retool Docs , Configure Source Control with GitHub | Retool Docs.



As I have mentioned in the question there's no detailed documentation for source control with GitHub personal access token.

When configuring the GitHub access token i need what are all the scopes that Retool will be needing.


Hi @kishore_kumar,

It does look like out docs could have more details on what scopes are needed. Let me check internally with our team and see if we have this information and if we do I can have our docs team add this to our docs.

Just to confirm, you are creating a 'Classic' personal access token as defined in the GitHub docs here, correct?

It looks to be the only option where scopes must be defined but just wanted to be sure :sweat_smile:

Yes @Jack_T

I'm creating a classic GitHub personal access token only.

Hi @kishore_kumar,

Just heard back from our eng team.

For a Classic PAT:

  • Ticking the "repo" scope should be enough

For a Fine grained PAT:

  • Click "Only select repositories" and select the repo you're using for Retool
  • Under "Repository permissions":
    • Select "Read and Write" access level for Contents
    • Select "Read and Write" access level for Pull Requests

Will look to have this added to the docs page as well!