Do I need 'vectors' when trying to make OpenAI API work with Retool?

This option is not very clear - 'Use Retool Vectors to provide more context to your query'

Is it a hard requirement, and without it, OpenAI API won't be able to interpret our database?

I'm building a tool to put all my job listings into a single Retool table, and have OpenAI API prioritize them (aka 'which jobs should I apply first based on my experience and tech stack').

  1. in my database, I created a few sample jobs - columns are #Job ID, TItle, Company, Description, Location, Posting URL, Date Found
  2. In my app I inserted a table, and linked the table to the database
  3. I turned on Retool AI > OpenAI API by entering my OpenAI API credential
  4. I go back to my app and Code > add query > resource Retool AI > action (by default: generate text) > model: I choose gpt-4-turbo (by default was gpt-4)

=> Input: How many jobs is there in {{ table1 }}? (just to test if it works)

I get this => * data:"Hello! It seems like the content you've posted is a string of encoded text, or you might be trying to convey something specific but it's unclear from the format provided. Could you please provide more context or clarify your request? I'm here to help!"

  • :arrow_forward:

metadata:{} 4 keys

  • success:true
  • streaming:true
  • vectorsContext: 0 items
  • totalTokens:12744

I try again, I get the same issue:

  • data:"Hello! It seems like you've pasted a long string of encrypted or encoded text. How can I assist you with it?"

Is the problem that we need to turn on 'Retool Vectors'?


Hey @spnc, unlisting this as there is active discussion on your topic here.