Distinct values from sql query for select multiple fields component

I have a sql query that returns "tags" of photos. I want to populate the select list with unique values

when i run the sql query I get the values.

However when i use {{item.Name}} It returns all the tags and if the tag is blank puts the row number in.



please post the code/query etc...it will be more helpful for those wanting to help you :slight_smile:

select Photo.PhotoId, PropertyId, Tags, IsPrimaryThumbnail, CreatedDate, UpdatedDate, ImageBytes, Notes, FileName, Url, ThumbnailImageUrl, DisplayImageUrl, OriginalImageUrl, Latitude, Longitude, TimeStamp, DistanceInMeters, IsActive, ArchivedBy, ArchivedDate, CRC, Tag.Name,('https://rrsav2photos.blob.core.windows.net/prod/Properties' + OriginalImageUrl) As 'FullUrl'
From Photo
Left Join PhotoTag on Photo.PhotoId = PhotoTag.PhotoId
Left Join Tag on PhotoTag.TagId = Tag.TagId
Where PropertyId = {{tableProperties.selectedRow.data.PropertyId}}

How are you calling item.name if name is not within the query itself?
Maybe posting part of the data you get back from that query will help...


You need to populate value
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PERFECT! thanks!