Display a specific key value instead of the entire array

Hi All,
I am pulling an array into one of my columns - {{ item["Branch Image"] }}

This contains several Keys such as ID / width / Size / URL.

I only want to pull the URL field in - can you please help :slight_smile:

@Jasonmate Welcome to the forum! Can you share more information about the array? A screenshot, more code, etc.?

@ScottR - thanks for the quick response :slight_smile:

Bit of a rookie when it come to the coding side so not sure what information would be helpful.

I'm pulling the data from Aitable with a REST API- the object is an image with the below data:

[ { "id": "attot08fWdP3Fw***",
"width": 358,
"height": 341,
"url": "https://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v1***
"filename": "dCUqGXAogELR3F***",
"size": 223125,
"thumbnails": { "small": { "url": "https://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v1/***
"url": "https://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v1/***
{ "url": "https://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v1/***
"width": 3000, "height": 3000 } } } ]

Instead of all the above, i just want to map the URL - its not a major issue if there is no simple fix as i can create the URL in the airtable - i was just curious more than anything.

I hope this is clear and thanks again.

Data Source:
{{ query1.data.records }}

Source: Fields
Label: URL
Format: Link
Mapped Value: {{ item["Branch Image"] }}

Note that there is more than likely a better way to map to the URL... I had to fix the above data as it wasn't structured correctly... you have to make sure the values are enclosed in "" in the array:

return [ { "id": "attot08fWdP3Fw***",
"width": 358,
"height": 341,
"url": "https://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v1",
"filename": "dCUqGXAogELR3F",
"size": 223125,
"thumbnails": { "small": 
{"url": "https://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v1/***","width": 3000, "height": 3000 }}}  ]

I put that in a js query (for tesitng only) and then called the following in a link field:

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Cheers for this scott - helps out a lot :slight_smile:

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