Display a Json response from a workflow in a table

Hello everyone,

i want to display the respone from a api request in table. To do this i need to reformat the reponse i get in a workflow and return it. In the app i call the workflow using a ressource "run workflow" and get the well formated respone back. I then use ths ressource as the data source of a table. At the bottom of the table i can see that 27 results hould be in the table which is correct. However i cant see any rows.
I need the columns to be detected automatically because they might change depending on the response.

this is the structure of my data source:

depending on the response there could be more then one row with incrementing indices

How do i need to format this so the column detection works?

thanks in advance

Hey Wenkey,

Did you try {{formatDataAsArray(response.data)}}?

It should create an array of responses so your column headers are auto-generated.

Hey stefancvrkotic,

thanks for the suggestion.

I just solved it by deleting the table and creating it again. :smiley:

Hey folks!

In the new table, columns are no longer generated automatically based on incoming data. Instead, there's a button you can use to regenerate your table's columns if your data changes:

There have been a couple requests for the old behavior and it's something the dev team is aware of! It sounds like, in this case, the Regenerate Columns button might work but if you really need more dynamic columns you might try using the Legacy Table for now.