Disabling container doesn't disable table within container

I'm trying to disable a container when certain conditions are hit, however the new table component doesn't appear to be disabled in any way despite being a child component of the table.

It's currently still possible to select rows, click toolbar functions and interact with table actions, which means that users may still be able to complete table actions that should be disabled by the parent container being disabled.

Thanks for flagging this, @Milo! Our team is looking into this bug :disappointed: I'll post here with any updates that I get

Hi @Tess,
I am currently experiencing the same issue – has there been any update on this?

Thank you! :sun_with_face:

Hi @nikita_from_bunch,

We have someone looking into this issue :blush: It's too early to say when the fix will ship, but I'll check back in here when I get an update

just thought i'd show how you can get the table to mimic it for now if yall need to:

by toggling Row Selection type to 'none' we disable events like column selection and whatnot. you can individually disable edit for a column if you don't want a blank-all disable.

for the toolbar buttons you can either hide them or edit the event to only run when container is enabled: