Disabled Button in table row is still working

I have this table button in each row, in which i set the disabled option based on the column "status" if the value from that row is "Master" then the button is disabled, graphically it seems desactivated, but users can still click, even tho the disabled option recognizes the disabled for that row

Try using === instead in the check, just to be safe
Oh and also be sure that you're not sorting after the fact... though that should not impact the logical check....

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Hey @JuanPablo! Just tested this out and the button is disabled as expected. Mind sending over a JSON export of your app so I can take a look? Or even better, just a couple rows of sample data so that I can play around with it in a table. Thanks!

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Sure, let me send you the the rows I am using, because this is still an error on my app, i have them attached here
export (3).csv (520 Bytes)

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@JuanPablo Thanks! Can repro the issue now, will get a bug report filed ASAP and update you here as I get any additional information on its status.

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Great I have replicated this in another retool app and still persist

Hey @JuanPablo, are you using a Cloud organization, or self hosted? The fix was released to our cloud offering, and I just tested on my reproduction app and no longer see this behavior. If you are using an self hosted installation, it's likely not out for your version yet.