Delay Workflow for 30 Minutes

Hey there,

I am using a web hook as a trigger but I would like the workflow to wait e.g. 30 minutes before executing the following steps of the workflow. Is it possible to do this with the setTimeout function as shown below?

Also, if in the meantime another run was triggered, does this interfere with the currently waiting run? Or is there any other option to delay a workflow?

Many thanks for your support.

@t_im yup, you can write a delay function as you'd like. Something like the below?

async function delay(ms) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); }

As for the runs questions, there's some detail in our docs below.

> Also, if in the meantime another run was triggered, does this interfere with the currently waiting run?

No, up to 50 workflow runs can happen at a time. More info here:

Hope this helps! Thanks for asking, having this question and answer here could help others searching around too :slightly_smiling_face: