In a table, when grouping by columns, I can select an aggregation type such as sum, which conveniently gives me a total for that group in the "grouped row". However, if I have a column with custom calculations, ex. column c / column d, the grouped row aggregation is calculated incorrectly, no matter what type of aggregation I select. If I don't select an aggregation, nothing shows up. How do I get the grouped row to show the correct calculated aggregated total when columns are grouped?
Ex Table
Account | Campaign | Visitors | Leads | Leads / Visit |
GROUPED of A | 100 | 10 | 16% (Should be 10%) | |
A | A | 25 | 1 | 1/ 25 = 4% |
A | B | 75 | 9 | 9 / 75 = 12% |