I need to have a filter for a table but in german language. Now from what I could see Retool doesnt have language support for german so my thought was to write a custom filter component for it.
- is that the best option or is there another way?
- if so, is that even possible with only limited coding skills?
Thanks in advance!
HI there @KungFooLemmi,
I'm assuming you're referring to retool's "Filter" component, right? My two cents in response to your questions:
- is that the best option or is there another way? It depends on how many filters you want/need and the data within your table. If the table doesn't have a lot of columns then you may be better off by using the filter options within the table set up. Although if what you want is to give maximum flexibility to the user to define their own groups of filters, then custom is the way.
- if so, is that even possible with only limited coding skills? I have never created a custom component myself, and my coding skills are actually limited, so I would say you may be using a lot of time without potentially achieveing your goal.
IT depends on how core this functionality will be to your app. If it isn't, then leverage the table filters.
Someone else was just querying about this, here;s the post: Filtering Table According Selected Dropdown Options - #6 by halil
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