Custom Component not showing on Module


Is there a way to get the custom component (beta) working on Modules or Embedded apps?

I understand that this is not yet publicly available, but wanted to check if there's yet no possible way to achieve this?

Thank you!

Hey @DanielJudge, there are no workarounds for this limitation but we are working on it. Custom components should be useable in embedded app starting with version 3.57 which is our next cloud release.

Hey @joeBumbaca , thanks for the update!

I'll circle back on this one after the release of the new version.

Hi @joeBumbaca , just noticed that our instance is now on the 3.57 version.

Screenshot 2024-05-27 at 16.10.53

I tried the custom component in one of our embedded apps, but it's still not showing on the public url. Is this still pending on something on your end, or was it pushed back to a future release (just asking for internal reference and timing) ?

Thank you!

Hey @DanielJudge! Just got word from the engineer working on this feature and it had to be reverted due to some unforeseen consequences after it had been enabled. We are still working on this, and it will be released, but it is not available currently.

Hey @joeBumbaca ! Just following up on this one to check if there's a timeline for when this will be implemented to know how to proceed on our side.

I've been trying on every new update but so far this seems to have not yet been implemented.

Thank you!

Hey @DanielJudge, looks like this has been worked on again and should be out in the 3.74 Cloud release (by the end of this week). Check it out on Friday and let me know how it looks to you.

Hey @joeBumbaca , just following back on this one.

It seems that the component is not rendering yet.

Just to confirm, this deploy would be included on public Apps, correct?

Thank you!

Hey @DanielJudge, just had a conversation with the engineer working on this. Custom components should work in embedded applications by the end of this week, but they will not work in Public apps. This will remain the status for some time as there are some security concerns with automatically exposing all Custom Components on public apps. We will be working on some functionality to let users choose that, and make their components public so that it works in public apps. I'll update you here when I have any new information on the status of that project.

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