Custom Authentication token not getting associated with other API requests

  • Goal: To be able to use base resource which is API authentication and use received token on all subsequent API calls

  • Details: As per this documentation I tried to create resource for API authentication and also used AuthLogin component, Also added table which calls another API which needs auth token. As per documentation once Authentication is done via AuthLogin it should attach token to every subsequent API requests but that is not happening.

I have attached screenshot of documentation and my test app. Is my understanding wrong or can anyone suggest why it's not attaching token automatically as per documentation?

My test app:

Hello @Meet,

Apologies for the issue, let me see if I can help get to the bottom of this.

Are you able to get any queries to the API to work after completing the custom auth flow?

From your screenshot of the error it looks like the token has expired and the API needs a new fresh tooken.

Check out our docs here on how to set up Refresh Custom Auth Flow. So that your custom authentication steps will run automatically after any non-200 response when querying the resource.

If then Query is not working with any other errors let me know or share a screenshot.