Hi, I have a cutom rest API for auth that I have to call to return an accessToken that is then used in other APIs. Is it possible to use the user data that enters the app to make this first call without creating a login with username and password in the app itself?
I execute the call as shown in the image, but I have a hardcoded token that I got by making a call with Postman because I can't use the user's data.
I have seen that in Loging History there is data referencing the OAuth used to access Retool, could I use this data? If yes, how can I access them from the call?
I am a little confused about the order of events you are looking to implement.
Are you looking to take the username and password a user enters into a custom login screen, use this in a query to get a token/ID back and then "approve" the user to enter into the Retool app?
Or do you want to grab the current users information once they log in via any Auth provider, in which case you could use the current_user object to grab properties about the user and then pass this into queries to a REST API.