Create API token for Custom Component Libraries

I want to create my first custom component, but I can't create an api token with correct access. The documentation says to create a read and write token for Custom Component Libraries. Unfortunately, there is no such thing in the list of available scopes. What do I need to do so that I can still make a custom component.

Thank you very much for any help!

Hello @andrii.krykun.1988!

Here is the documentation for creating and API Access token.

Currently in Retool we heavily recommend that you use our pre-built components, as they have much better support, will be much more consistent and cover most common use cases. We only advise building custom components if it is absolutely necessary and there are no alternatives in our component library.

You can read more about the Beta feature of 'custom component library' here. As well as the legacy custom component feature here.

Thanks for the feedback! Unfortunately, there is no ready-made component that would cover the functionality we need. I looked at the documentation and tried to do as it says. I was creating an admin access token with a scope Retool RPC. Unfortunately, this token does not work and gives an error - 'Access token is not valid or does not have custom component permissions.'
Can you show what the scope should look like to access the custom component library?

Hi @andrii.krykun.1988,

This scope is only available to Admins in your organization. The email associated with your Community Forum account doesn't look like it is in an Admin permission group. If your teammate can upgrade you to the Admin group, you should see the scope.

One side note is that the scopes modal is scrollable depending on how many scopes you have access to, so it may not be immediately visible to Admins.