CORS Issue when trying to call Workflow through retool on webpage?

Thanks for explaining. It does seem to work when I run JavaScript code from an imported custom component. I was wondering if I could replicate this same behavior in Retool JS queries?

I don't really have any security concerns since I am running all of this on-prem.

Of course no problem.

This is one of the more unique 'quirks' of Retool and we have many users asking about how they can change the request origin :sweat_smile:

That makes sense that you can run JS code from a custom component, but I was under the impression that those requests would still have an origin of null.

Retool JS queries will definitely have an origin of null :sweat:

I helped another user think of a work around where they used a proxy/AWS Lambda to make a request to another server, and then have that server make the request that they wanted to make. This way the middle man/proxy is able to set their origin and then forward traffic back to the Retool app.

It is definitely a tedious process but it would be able to get around the null origin issue!