I have followed the guidelines on these two posts:
I am stuck and I need help!
When i test authentication, I get redirected from Retool to Xero and I get the "something's wrong try again later" error on the Xero page.
Please check out what I have below. Apologies in advance if I just have a silly mistake haha~
So it has been a long time since I set this up (it wasn't straightforward) so I'm not sure I remember everything I did.
The initial set up I have is identical to yours, except for the scope to which I added offline_access based on this documentation
Could the error be at the application URL in your Xero app within your developer account?? (If you're in cloud it should be somehting like https://retool.YOURDOMAIN.com
Hey Miguel! Thanks for the comment. And sorry it took so long to reply back! I tried that to no avail. I am still working on it, but if I figure it out I'll make sure to post it here!
i think i've seen this in the docs before and it confused me there also, my URL is https://myorg.retool.com. is this different depending on the plan you're using or am i just missing something?
do the browser dev tools give any other errors?
I think @MiguelOrtiz is looking in the right direction, your OAuth2 workflow sets the callback URL to https://oauth.retool.com/oauth/user/oauthcallback but the docs say it should be https://retool.mycompany.com/oauth/user/oauthcallback
I also found a few things in the google docs I'm sure you've already refferenced, but worth double checking i guess: