Collapse Expand group property


I'd like to have a collapse/expand group property.
I often put in the table toolbar an expand/collapse button to make easier the navigation in the data.
This property would make things easier.


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Hi @cvo,

Could you give me more details on what group you are looking to expand/collapse?

Are you thinking about the whole table component? Or for the collapsible rows of a table?

Hello CVO,
I believe what you are looking for is to add a button to the toolbar. This button will allow the grouping of one or more columns.

Also, the Table comment has a function "SetGrouping()" which helps you control the grouping of the table dynamically from other queries or components.

Hope this helps!
Correct me if I didn't understand your question.


To help my users navigate in a table with several thousand rows, I put buttons in a table toolbar to allow them to create and clear row groups on their own.
I add a collapse/expand button that change the "Expand groups by default" option based on a defined variable.
This way users can easily navigate, scroll, locate, select the rows they way to update. Then make groups based on other columns.

Unfortunately, when groups are suppressed the reference to the variable used by the ""Expand groups by default"" disappear and the button "collapse/expand" has no more effect.
so a real property instead of the "expand groups" parameter would be great.


Hi @cvo,

Ok I understand this better, thank you for the explanation and screen shots.

So you have the 'Group By' filter from the table tool bar which works fine.

Then under the Table's advanced settings, you have Group By 'Datasource' and inside of 'Expand rows by default' you are passing in a value with {{}}.

But the issue is that when the groups "are suppressed" the value in the {{}} used inside 'Expand rows by default' disappears :thinking:

Could you elaborate more on what event is causing the groups to be suppressed?

Not sure what I should be looking for in the third image :sweat_smile: but the fourth has custom edit button, is that the button that is suppressing doing the suppressing?

With the "collapse/expand" button supplying the value, but instead of this button being used to toggle the collapse/expand you want a table1.expandGroups parameter instead. Which would work as a variable you can toggle between true and false to control if the current groups that are applied to the table are expanded or collapsed, correct?

Would this be a boolean and then another value sets the groups?