Can't re-order folders correctly [BUG]

My folders are going crazy...

Video Example

  • Order Manually: About 2/3 of the way down my folder list, it stops allowing me to re-order, and anytime I drop a folder there, it just moves to the top.
  • Alphabetically: first ~15 are fine, then last 4 just random?
  • Oldest/Newest: if I switch from old-new <> new-old, those first 15 stay the same and only those last ~4 move around.

What is going on?! I tried just creating a new folder and moving things into it, then renaming to no avail... in fact, I think renaming a new folder the same as a previously-deleted one may have started this bugginess.

Any fixes/thoughts?

I loved the no_longer_needed_I_think folder, they should make it a default

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hahaha 100%

With the lack of proper branching a mix of Devs and "low-code pseudo-devs" (like me), I'm hesitant to just delete stuff. Nested folders would be nice!

Hi @shawnhoffman are you able to share an app export? I haven't been able to reproduce this for our team yet, but it certainly looks buggy! From my testing, naming a new folder the same as a previously deleted folder is working :crossed_fingers: