Hi, I'm trying to delete a REST resource and recreate it, but I don't have the option to create or delete under the resources tab. Currently an admin on the tool. Any tips here?
Hi @lamboap!
On Self-hosted Retool, you should be able to see this dropdown next to "Settings" for any REST resource you created.
Is this not showing up for you?
@lamboap, what Retool version are you using?
Thanks for sharing! While I spin up a 2.9X.X instance, check the permissions. The fact that you don't even see the "Create new" button makes me think that with the account you are logged in, you may be the owner of a Resource but not an admin in the org. Do you see "Admin" under your name?
I can confirm that logged in as an admin on Retool version 2.90.X, we should see the options to edit and delete a resource under the "..." dropdown.
There might be something else going on, most likely related to permissions, but happy to take another look at it.