Can't access new table button sometimes in retool database

Sometimes I can't access the new table button. It seems like it is always at the end of the top list of tables. But when all the tables in the list don't fit on screen, I cannot get to the end of the list to get at it.

Hey @Shawn_Crocker, I can get the new table button to disappear the first time I open enough db tables to push it off screen. But I am able to scroll the table name tabs to the left to reveal the button. Does this work for you?

CleanShot 2024-04-23 at 07.25.51@2x

CleanShot 2024-04-23 at 07.26.02@2x

From that point on it looks like it's always available. Also noticed this only happens when my browser is in full screen. I'll submit a bug report here, but let me know if that scroll works. Thanks!