Cannot add custom labels to keyValue component

Hello there,
I was trying to add a custom label ( {{ transfromer1.value }} ) to one of the labels of a keyValue component that I have, I found out that this breaks the whole inspect sidebar every-time I tried that, for all keyValue components and in multiple apps.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Select a key value component:

  2. Select any of the values:

  3. Add a custom value inside of the label

  4. As soon as I'm finished with writing the name of the value, the app breaks

  5. Only a refresh can fix the app now.

Hi there,

Thanks for reaching out to us. I was able to reproduce this issue and created an internal bug report.
I’ve added this thread to the report. That way, if there are any updates I will be pinged on my side and can immediately inform you here. Thank you for your assistance with this!

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Good news! There's already been a fix placed! It should appear within a future release! Please keep an eye on our Changelog for that update!

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