Can we use the same license key of business plan for deploying in 2 different environments

we are currently on Team plan in our self hosted retool deployed in AWS. there is a production release planned and we want to upgrade to business plan to configure user permissions based on business requirements. we will be doing a self hosted deployment of retool in production AWS which is a different account.
need to know:

  • once after purchasing business plan and deploy in a self-hosted environment
    how to move to production Environment from there.
  • if we use same license key will it work in terms of plan,my users data,logs ?
  • can Retool Provide me with two different licence keys for my two environments within same plan?

Hi @Siva, multi-instance deployments are only available on the Enterprise plan. However, you are able to configure different environments on our Business plan with a single instance. You will be using the same license key, no additional license keys would be required. In terms of your apps, users, data, and logs, all of that is currently stored in your internal Postgres DB, you must externalize this db before using the deployment instance in production (more details on that link).

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