Can somebody from retool provide newer version of https-portal?


there is very old version on retools docker hub, can somebody please bump it or recommend upgrade path. Can we use original https-portal?

It has nginx version: nginx/1.12.2 and portal version: v1.3.0 also orginal version recommends to use volume for certs which is not reflected in retools repository:

I am asking because automatic renew of certs does not work properly.

Hello @johnymachine!

Totally understand the desire upgrade and work with a newer/the original version of https-portal.

We don't have any docs supporting the original version, so if there are any unintended issues that pop up during or after switching, it would outside of our scope of knowledge to help :sweat_smile:

Here are our docs on configuring certs and SSL. I believe that certs will need to be renewed manually or be provided via Let's Encrypt.

Hopefully some other community users that have ventured down the path of upgrading their https-portal can chime in with thoughts or advice.

If you chose to switch off of the old fork of https-portal that we provide in the dockerhub repo, you would need to decide on an upgrade path of your own, as we do not currently provide one :sweat:

Also here are some docs I found on using Volumes. Hope this helps!