Can Save/Cancel buttons show after cell edit, rather than lost focus?

Hello Retoolers,

I am wondering if there is a way that the little mini Save/Cancel modal that shows up in Retool after an edit has been made to a cell in the grid can be forced to appear as soon as editing has begun in a cell, rather than after the cell has lost focus or the user has hit return.

Thank you!


Hi @jeff3000,

Unfortunately this is not possible. I think this has been submitted as a feature request in this forum in the past and it would be great if the Retool team could give an update whether this is something in included in the roadmap.

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Thank you Miguel. Good to know :slight_smile:

Hey all! I don't see any existing feature requests that specifically address displaying the changeSet modal when starting to edit a cell. There are a lot of variations on that theme, though! :sweat_smile:

I'll bump those internal conversations and add this context! Thanks.