Can 1 Workflow Return Multiple Responses to App?

Hey all!

So I finally muddled through my first workflow and it does exactly what I need it to do. Basically, fetch time card entries in one database, match them against a list from another database, and return only the new rows that haven't been added to the second DB yet.

I wired it up to a ReTool app to act as a front end and everything's moving beautifully.

However, in my original workflow, I identified a place where I could additionally identify rows in DB1 that had been edited after they'd been exported to DB2.

Anyway, can my one workflow populate two tables with two different results blocks in the ReTool app or do I need to have one workflow per table I want to fill with data.

In the pic, you can see the high level of the flow terminating in one Response block. So to ask my question another way, can I add a second response and have the ReTool app ingest that second response on a second table?

The goal here is to build out basically a dashboard that is evaluating these time card entries in multiple ways.

I'm not completely following but maybe use a branch block? Pretty sure you can have multiple responses utilizing a branch block.

Let me ask it this way:

When I call this entire workflow into the app to populate a table, I don't see anywhere to specify that I want the results of a specific response block. Like, my response block is named newEntryResponse but I am not telling the app to give me the results from "workflow.newEntryResponse" just "workflow". I was just wondering if there's a way in the app to call up different response blocks from a single workflow.

Ah I see. I haven't come across anything like that.

I was thinking something like

or even branching to specific workflows.

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Hey @Phil_The_Thrill!

You can definitely achieve this with 1 workflow. You'll just need to format the response block to send all the information that you need to populate both tables in you app. Here's a very simple example.

Workflow pulls data from 2 sql tables

The response is an object with each data set as the value to the top level keys. You can key into that data object in the Data source field of each table

The JS code block is superfluous in my example, you can just write that code in the response block to remove a step.

Hope that helps!

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