Bug Report: Workflow alias URLs don't support query string auth


Using query string authentication (instead of header authentication) with webhook trigger alias URLs will pass a null object to the trigger step instead of the request's actual JSON data.

That's a mouthful. See below for a clearer explanation.


In both of these examples I'm using query string authentication (i.e., workflowApiKey).

When using the full workflow URL, everything works as expected.

curl -X POST \
--url "https://api.retool.com/v1/workflows/<wf-id>/<step-name>?workflowApiKey=<api-key>" \
--data '{"hi":"mom"}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'

However, using the aliased URL with query string authentication does not work. The workflow will execute, but the trigger step will show a null data object instead of the provided JSON.

curl -X POST \
--url "https://<teamname>.retool.com/url/<alias>?workflowApiKey=<api-key>" \
--data '{"hi":"mom"}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'

There's a bug somewhere along the way with how the json data object gets passed when using aliases.

Hey Christian! :wave: Thanks for this post. I'm looking into it on my Retool cloud instance and not able to reproduce this error. :thinking:

## Without alias with workflowApiKey param
curl -X POST --url "https://api.retool.com/v1/workflows/<wf-id>/startTrigger?workflowApiKey=<api-key>" \
--data '{"hi":"mom"}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'


# With alis with workflowApiKey param 
curl -X POST --url "https://<teamname>.retool.com/url/aliasURL?workflowApiKey=<api-key>" \
--data '{"hi":"mom"}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'


Can you tell me what version of Retool are you working on? Are you able to send any more screenshots/screen recordings of this error in real time? Can you add a JS block console logging "startTrigger.data.hi" before your sqlQuery and see what the output is? What do the run logs look like? Below are mine.


Would love to help you get to the bottom of this. Just need a bit more information since I'm not seeing that issue on my end yet. :+1: