Bug Report: Form validation issues on Workflow retries

  • Goal: After initially having retries configured for a query (eg. Retool DB), when I delete the Retry count and Interval (ms), there is an invalid state where the form validation shows errors, the written description at the bottom of the retry section is now incorrect, and refreshing the page rejects your changes. The correct behavior would check the Retry count field + Interval (ms) together such that if they're both empty, the form shouldn't have validation errors.

  • Steps:
    1. Create workflow with a single resource query to Retool DB
    2. Set a nonzero number for Retry count
    3a. Delete the number in Retry count, then the Interval (ms) --> you will have validation issues on both and the description below the word Exponential will be incorrect.
    3b. Delete the number in Interval (ms), then Retry count --> you will have validation issue only on Interval
    4. Click Reset to default and it will still show the validation issues and the button won't do anything.
    5. Refresh the page, and you will see the deleted numbers reappear.

To get no validation errors when removing retries, you must not edit either field manually but instead use the little button for Reset to default. It's important you click the reset button first, if you remove the values then hit the button, it won't work.

Hey @Abhilash_Nair! Thanks for the feedback and thorough testing. :+1:

I've submitted a ticket internally to track development on this and will provide an update here as soon as I have news to share.

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