Bug Report: Filters in Table does not work

  • Goal: Show data using table from list, filter records based on default filters.

  • Steps: Create a table and connect some data, try to use default filters to limit records any other than isTrue isFalse

  • Details: When you try to use default filters other than isTrue and isFalse they does not seem to work. All records are always displayed. For example list of users which has roleId number. If you try to apply show only users with roleId = 2 does nothing. But if you have isDisabled boolean, and use filter on that property isTrue or isFalse it works.

Hey @HuzarO

I dont seem to have any issues filtering by any differnt sorts of filters - text strings, arrays etc.

Are you sure the data type in the column matches what you are filtering by?

Should it be a string instead of a number perhaps? like roleId == "2"?

This works fine for example:

Notice i had to switch the data to be a integer rather than a string for the filter to apply properly.

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+1 to @msd5079! You might have to check the types of the data in your columns against the type used by the filter to make sure they're able to be compared

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Yes it works properly only if pagination is set to client side. If you change it to server side, then default filters stops working.